duminică, 2 iunie 2019

Make a lot of money with Pinterest

A girl teach me how to make money on Pinterest. I found all the secrets on her blog. Just follow me and her make money on pinterest

I want to share how she did this, plus a few other  methods of making money from Pinterest.
That is why I will explain exactly how to make money on Pinterest in this post.

Affiliate Marketing Directly On Pinterest

This is probably the simplest and in some cases fastest way to start making money on Pinterest. However, know off the bat that this method will provide many restrictions.
For instance, Pinterest may classify some of your affiliate links as spam. This means, you won’t be able to share them on the platform, which sucks.
Also, because you’re linking directly to affiliate products/services, the user from Pinterest will be taken directly to the destination. That means they have no opportunity to make a personal connection with you and trust you. Therefore, many people might not take any action and you may not earn anything.

How To Make Money On Pinterest Using Affiliate Marketing

1. You will need to find some products or services that you can feel confident promoting and sign up for those affiliate programs.
2. You then will need to sign up for for the affiliate program in order to get your affiliate link. This link will have some tracking codes that help the company recognize when you’ve referred a customer so that they can attribute your commissions to you.
3. You will then create a pin that you will start sharing on Pinterest. When someone clicks through to that pin to purchase, sign up or take any other action that the affiliate program requested, you will make some money.
I know all of this may sound confusing to you since you’re new to the idea. However, if you want to learn how to make money from Pinterest using this method, I highly recommend you have a look at this post to better understand how to start using affiliate links to build a passive income on Pinterest.

Blogging With Pinterest (My Favorite)

Like I said, this is my favorite tip on how to make money on Pinterest for a few reasons as this method is easier and gives you the opportunity to make money in multiple different ways.
This method gives you the opportunity to make money in multiple ways including:

Making Money On Pinterest With Ads

You can create a blog that people from Pinterest can use as a  resource for valuable information, then make money from this blog when you get visitors from Pinterest to visit and see or click on your ads. For instance, I get an average of 30k visitors to my blog each month, out of that, 90% of these visitors come from Pinterest. I have multiple ads hosted on my blog, and I’m able to make anywhere from $500 -$1000 from the ads on my blog each month.
I’m not the only one who makes a nice side income from ads hosted on my blog, the majority of the other bloggers I know of are doing well with ads as well.

Making Money Selling E-Books And E-Courses

You can create a blog and make money by selling e-books and or e-courses on your blog. This method is ideal for people who want to make money specifically from their expertise. For instance, if you’re really great with health and wellness, you can create a health and wellness e-book or e-course and make money selling it on your blog. You can get people to your blog by using Pinterest.

How To Make Money On Pinterest With Affiliate Marketing

You can use affiliate marketing on your blog and make money from that.
What is affiliate marketing?
This is a marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays a commission to an external website (people like you and me) for traffic or sales generated from its referrals. It’s essentially big companies paying us for helping them to market their products or services to the people we can reach online.
If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing, you should check out this link to learn exactly how Michelle makes $50,000 per month with affiliate marketing.

Making Money With Amazon Associates Program

Are you familiar with the Amazon Associates program?
If you are, you will know that some people are making a living off of this program. You simply need to sign up for this program, then start promoting their products on your website or blog. When someone clicks through to Amazon from your affiliate link, you have a chance to make commissions on any product that this person purchases from Amazon within 24 hours.
Having a blog and linking to Amazon products is an awesome way to make money.  Click here to learn how this lady makes over $5000 per month using her blog, Amazon associates and Pinterest for traffic. You should definitely check her out if this sounds interesting to you.
Since it’s illegal to link to Amazon products on Pinterest, having a blog or website is the best way to start using Amazon Associates to make money.

Selling Your Etsy Or Shopify Merchandise Via Pinterest

Have you ever dreamed of opening an Etsy or Shopify store?
If you have, but you have not done so as yet, it’s likely because you’re concerned about finding an ideal way to promote your merchandise and so you’re worried you won’t make any sales.
However, you can use Pinterest to do that!
Say what?
You can actually set up an amazing online store, then create pins to your products and use Pinterest as your primary method of promotion. And you can drive a ton of sales from Pinterest!
I’ve explained multiple ways you can start to make money using Pinterest. Now, I will explain the steps you need to follow to actually make this type of money from Pinterest using any of the methods outlined above.
If you want to start a blog or website to start implementing some of the strategies I’ve mentioned so you can start making money on Pinterest, you can sign up for my free ‘Start a Blog e-course’ below.

These are my tips on how to make money on Pinterest. As you can see, you can do so in many ways!

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